

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, China was still in the final stage of feudal society, lagging in technology and declining in national strength. At that time, Japan, though culturally rooted in China, was short of natural resources and developed the idea of “helping China modernize.”


At first, they did carry out some construction in Northeast China and other areas. However, as ambitions grew, some politicians began to view the Chinese nation as inferior, leading to an arrogant desire to replace it. Japan’s militaristic aggression stemmed from distorted nationalism and a greedy thirst for resources, bringing unforgettable suffering to China and other Asian countries.


The war ended tragically with atomic bombs. As a victorious nation, China had the right to station troops in Japan, but it chose tolerance and reconciliation, demonstrating the magnanimity of a great nation.


In the late 1970s, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, China urgently needed foreign capital and technology to drive economic development. Deng Xiaoping visited Japan, humbly and amicably requesting Japanese investment in China. Subsequently, Japan became a major economic partner, with investments flowing in like a tide. Japanese-funded industrial parks were established across China, providing for Japanese employees’ well-being, along with the construction of Japanese schools and the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital. This period of cooperation strongly proved that relations between countries could transcend historical grievances to achieve mutual benefit.


However, in recent years, as Sino-American relations have tightened and the U.S.-Japan alliance remains strong, some official media have intentionally stirred anti-Japanese sentiment. While this may unite the people in the short term, it will bring only harm in the long run. The recent attack on a Japanese school bus in Suzhou, where Ms. Hu Youping tragically died protecting Japanese children, has caused panic in Japanese society. Japanese companies’ overnight withdrawal from China only adds to the woes of an already slowing economy and rising unemployment in China.


In a 2015 speech in the Japanese parliament, Shinzo Abe stated: “We cannot burden future generations with the responsibility of apology the moment they are born, even if they had nothing to do with the war. Nevertheless, each generation of Japanese must face up to the history of the past.” He thanked China for its post-war tolerance of “repaying evil with virtue” and also thanked Western countries for their willingness to move forward with Japan. His words were seen as the starting point of Japan’s “forward-looking” policy, which was not about denying history but rather calling for the nation not to be forever trapped in its shadow.


On the other hand, China seems to be caught in a dangerous cycle. For many Chinese, the history of the war is not something that has passed, but a persistent reality. Even more worrying is that some are repeating behaviors in the name of “patriotism” that we once vehemently opposed.


This situation is chilling. Those who incite hatred and harm innocents in the name of patriotism resemble the aggressors of the past. They may be unaware, but they are becoming destroyers of peace, turning into the very type of people they once despised. This distorted “patriotism” is eroding the foundation of our society, undermining the hard-won peace and prosperity.


We must remain vigilant. This narrow-minded nationalism could easily become a tool to manipulate public opinion and divert attention from domestic issues. It will not help solve any real problems but will instead escalate tensions in international relations, ultimately harming our own interests.


Even more frightening is that once this hatred spreads, it will be like Pandora’s box, impossible to contain. It will poison our next generation, causing them to view the world with prejudice and hostility, which is contrary to our ideals of peace, openness, and progress.


We must not forget the words of Nanjing Massacre survivor Li Xiuying: “Remember history, but don’t remember hatred!” This quote now hangs in the new exhibition hall of the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders, reminding every visitor. It is not only a reflection on the past but also a hope for the future.


We must remain clear-headed. Patriotism does not equal xenophobia. We should view history with reason and wisdom, and embrace the world with openness and inclusiveness. “Remembering national humiliation” should inspire us to study hard and improve ourselves, contributing to the country’s development, rather than wallowing in narrow nationalism and becoming spreaders of hatred.